Update time: July 26, 2023
In this section we mainly talk about Hosts, previously called Adaptors. Hosts define available destinations where the builds can be delivered. Where the library base is loaded from.
Click the corresponding Property to enter Launch, the interface is as follows:
There are two ways:
- Managed by Adobe
Managed by Adobe
This host type is the default selection and is simplest to manage. Is the official CDN of Akamai, loaded from assets.adobedtm.com. Which is our most commonly used method.
Launch has Akamai by default:
You don’t need to do other settings.
When you publish on Adobe Launch, it will update to CDN within 5 minutes at most.
If you do not want to have Adobe manage your hosted libraries, your other option is to have Launch deliver builds to a secured SFTP server that you host.
That is, the tracking code is loaded from your own server. This method is not the default, we need to do some settings:
Click “New Host”,then you will see an interface to create the host:
- Name, custom host name, usually using the domain name
- Type: There are two options, “Manager by Adobe” and “SFTP”, we choose SFTP. After selecting SFTP, some new setting options will pop up below:
— The externally accessible hostname or IP address of the SFTP server. Set this tobbccss.com
— The location relative to the launch sftp user’s root directory where Launch will deliver files. Set this tolaunch
— The port of the SFTP server. Typically this is22
— The username of the SFTP user. Set this tolaunch
.Encrypted Private Key
— The encrypted version of the private key from the pair whose public key was added to thelaunch
These need to be configured on the server. First log in to the server and go to the root directory.
Use the following code to create a folder, this file is the path to be filled in above, and is the place to put the launch tracking code.
mkdir launch
Add a user to this path, this is the SFTP User Name:
sudo useradd -d /home/wwwroot/default/launch -m launch
Test if the ID works:
id launch && ls -l /home/wwwroot/default/launch
The last step is to generate the Encrypted Private Key,
The Launch platform achieves this by utilizing GPG encryption and decryption. Using GPG, So we need to download, you can use the following code or visit https://developer.adobelaunch.com/api/guides/encrypting_values/ to get it.
wget https://developer.adobelaunch.com/files/[email protected]_pub.gpg
Import the key:
gpg --import [email protected]_pub.gpg
Encrypt values
echo -n 'Example value' | gpg --armor --encrypt -r "Adobe Launch Data Encryption <[email protected]>"
Breaking down this command:
- Input is supplied to the
command. --armor
creates ASCII-armored output instead of binary. This simplifies transferring the value through JSON.--encrypt
instructs GPG to encrypt the data.-r
sets the recipient for the data. Only the recipient, the holder of the private key that corresponds to the public key, may decrypt the data. The recipient name of the desired key may be found by examining the output ofgpg --list-keys
Then a secret key will appear, copied to the Encrypted Private Key