Update time: July 17, 2023
Install and Upgrade Extensions are simple.
An extension is a packaged set of code that extends the Launch interface and the library functionality. Launch is the platform, and extensions are like apps that run on the platform.Extensions are similar to tools in the previous Dynamic Tag Management.
- Default event
- Default conditions and exceptions
- Default client-side code
Extensions are usually provided by third-party vendors, and Extensions can simplify the deployment of third-party products.
Main Interface
The interface of the Extensions is as follows:
There should be two functions:
- Installed:Shows all of your installed extensions.
- Catalog:Shows all available extensions
Install Extensions
Click 「Extensions」——「 Catalog」, then search for the Extensions you want to install:
Then click Install on the right,some Extensions may require some configuration, some do not.
You need to publish the library to take effect.
Upgrade Extensions
Look at the Upgrade icon, click directly to upgrade, you need to publish the library to take effect.
Delete Extensions
If you want to delete the Extension, You must first disable this Extension, and then release a version, and finally delete the Extension, directly find the corresponding Extensions, click it,then you can see the option to disable it.
Isn’t it simple?