Adobe Launch Rules Guide (3)——CONDITIONS Types

Adobe Launch BCS 5 years ago (2020-03-02) 5899 Views 0 Comments

The role of CONDITIONS is to limit the EVENTS, so that the triggering conditions are more accurate, and to avoid randomly triggering the call.

Condition Configuration looks like this:

  • Logic Type is executed when the condition is met. There are two types of logic, Regular and Exception.
  • Extension: refers to the Extensions that CONDITIONS depends on. Different Extensions have different CONDITIONS.
  • Condition Type: The specific Condition Type depends on Extensions.

The relationship of multiple CONDITIONS is And. Core Extensions has 6 types and 25 conditions types.




Specify the cookie name and value that must exist for an event to trigger an action.

For example, it can be determined whether the value of cookie _ga is [email protected], which is only triggered in the case of yes.

Custom Code

Specify any custom code that must exist as a condition of the event. Use the built-in code editor to enter the custom code.

You can use custom js to judge and enhance the function.

Value Comparison

Compares two values to determine whether this condition returns true.

All data elements can be compared here.  The following value comparison operators are available:
  • Equal: The condition returns true if the two values are equal using a non-strict comparison (in JavaScript, the == operator). The values may be of any type. When typing a word like true false null , or undefined into a value field, the word is compared as a string and is not be converted to its JavaScript equivalent.
  • Does Not Equal: The condition returns true if the two values are not equalusing a non-strict comparison (in JavaScript, the != operator). The values may be of any type. When typing a word like true false null , or undefined into a value field, the word is compared as a string and is not be converted to its JavaScript equivalent.
  • Contains: The condition returns true if the first value contains the second value. Numbers are converted to strings. Any value other than a number or string results in the condition returning false.
  • Does Not Contain: The condition returns true if the first value does not contain the second value. Numbers are converted to strings. Any value other than a number or string will result in the condition returning true.
  • Starts With: The condition returns true if the first value starts with the second value. Numbers are converted to strings. Any value other than a number or string results in the condition returning false.
  • Does Not Start With: The condition returns true if the first value does not start with the second value. Numbers are converted to strings. Any value other than a number or string results in the condition returning true.
  • Ends With: The condition returns true if the first value ends with the second value. Numbers are converted to strings. Any value other than a number or string results in the condition returning false.
  • Does Not End With: The condition returns true if the first value does not end with the second value. Numbers are converted to strings. Any value other than a number or string results in the condition returning true.
  • Matches Regex: The condition returns true if the first value matches the regular expression. Numbers are converted to strings. Any value other than a number or string results in the condition returning false.
  • Does Not Match Regex: The condition returns true if the first value does not match the regular expression. Numbers are converted to strings. Any value other than a number or string results in the condition returning true.
  • Is Less Than: The condition returns true if the first value is less than the second value. Strings representing numbers are converted to numbers. Any value other than a number or a convertible string result in the condition returning false.
  • Is Less Than Or Equal To: The condition returns true if the first value is less than or equal to the second value. Strings representing numbers are converted to numbers. Any value other than a number or a convertible string result in the condition returning false.
  • Is Greater Than: The condition returns true if the first value is greater than the second value. Strings representing numbers are converted to numbers. Any value other than a number or a convertible string result in the condition returning false.
  • Is Greater Than Or Equal To: The condition returns true if the first value is greater than or equal to the second value. Strings representing numbers are converted to numbers. Any value other than a number or a convertible string result in the condition returning false.
  • Is True: The condition returns true if the value is a boolean with the value of true. The value you provide is not converted to a boolean if it is any other type. Any value other than a boolean with the value of true results in the condition returning false.
  • Is Truthy: The condition returns true if the value is true after being converted to a boolean.
  • Is False: The condition returns true if the value is a boolean with the value of false. The value you provide is not converted to a boolean if it is any other type. Any value other than a boolean with the value of false results in the condition returning false.
  • Is Falsy: The condition returns true if the value is false after being converted to a boolean.


Specify the JavaScript variable name and value that must exist for an event to trigger an action.

Obtaining a JavaScript variable is used for judgment. In fact, this function is similar to Value Comparison, because JavaScript variables can be obtained through data elements.




Landing Page

Specify the page the user must land on to trigger the event.

Limiting Landing Page


New/Returning Visitor


Specify whether the visitor should be a new visitor or a returning visitor for an event to trigger an action.



Page Views

Configure the number of times the visitor must view the page before the action is triggered.




Trigger the action if the user’s number of sessions meets the specified criteria.


Time On Site

Trigger the action if the user’s number of sessions meets the specified criteria.

Traffic Source

Trigger the action if the user’s number of sessions meets the specified criteria.


Date Range

Specify a date range. Choose the date and time the event occurs after, the date it occurs before, and the time zone.

Triggered within a specific time.


Max Frequency

Specify the maximum number of times the condition returns true.
You can select from the following options: Page view、Sessions、Visitor、Seconds、Minutes、Days、Weeks、Months


Specify the percentage of the time the condition returns true.




Select the browser the visitor must use for the action to be triggered.


Select one or more of the following browsers:


Device Type

Select the device type the visitor must use for the action to be triggered.

This CONDITIONS will be removed and not recommended.

Operating System

Select the operating system the visitor must use for the action to be triggered.

Screen Resolution

Select the screen resolution visitors must use on their devices for the action to be triggered.

Window Size

Select the window size visitors must use on their devices for the action to be triggered.



Specify the visitor’s domain.

If the URL is, Domain is


Specify one or more hash patterns that must exist in the URL.

Multiple hash patterns are joined by an OR. You can Add Another

Path And Query String

Specify one or more paths that must exist in the URL  with  Query String.

If the URL, the Path And Query String is / google-analytics & cid = 12313

Path Without Query String

Specify one or more paths that must exist in the URL  without  Query String.

If the URL, Path Without Query String is / google-analytics


Specify the protocol used in the URL.

If the URL, Protocol is https


Specify one or more subdomains that must exist in the URL.

URL Parameter

Specify URL parameter used in the URL

If the URL, the URL Parameter is cid


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