Update time: January 13, 2025
Meet Create event
Codeless event tracking is called Create event in GA4. It can realize event tracking without setting code on the page or in GTM.
Creating event is to create a new event based on the existing event, which is a subset of the original event.
For example, the automatically collected event page_view of GA4 records page visits. Now I need to set a specific page visit as a separate event, this event is a subset of page_view events, and can be configured by Creating event in GA4 UI interface.
Create events can create up to 50 events.
Case Presentation
Suppose I now want to set the access page https://www.bbccss.com/contact-me to the custom event create_event_click_about_me to see how to achieve it through Create event.
Step 1 :Create the event
In GA4, click「Admin」——「Property settings」——「Data display」——「Events」——「Create event」:
Then make the following settings:
- Custom event name: here named “create_event_click_about_me”
- Matching conditions:Set the conditions to trigger this event
- event_name equals page_view:Use event_name to locate the page_view event
- page_location contains https://www.bbccss.com/contact-me :Use the event parameter page_location to locate a specific page
- Parameter configuration:Set event parameters for new events, check “Copy parameters from the source event” is used to pass the event parameters of page_view to the newly created create_event_click_about_me event.
Step 2 : Testing
After creating the event, we can test it in the browser developer tools. You can see the event create_event_click_about_me on the network, indicating that the setting is successful.
Step 3 : Verify Data in Reports
Generally, after 24 hours, we can see the data in GA4, such as:
Read More:
- GA4 Event Tracking Series ⓪ —— Rules and Limits for GA4 Events
- GA4 Event Tracking Series ① —— Automatically Collected Events
- GA4 Event Tracking Series ② —— Enhanced Measurement Events
- GA4 Event Tracking Series ③ —— Recommended Events
- GA4 Event Tracking Series ④ —— Custom Events (gtag Method)
- GA4 Event Tracking Series ⑤ —— Custom Events (Attributes Method)
- GA4 Event Tracking Series ⑦ —— Custom Events (addEventListener Method)
- GA4 Event Tracking Series ⑧ —— Custom Events (jQuery Method)
- GA4 Event Tracking Series ⑨ —— Custom Events (ga-data Method)
- GA4 Event Tracking Series ⑩ —— Custom Events (dataLayer.push Method)
- GA4 Event Tracking Series ⑪ —— Create Event(Codeless Event Tracking)
- GA4 Event Tracking Series ⑫ —— Modify Event