Export Google Analytics 4 Data with Google Sheet | BCS Export Google Analytics 4 Data with Google Sheet | BCSBCS

Export Google Analytics 4 Data with Google Sheet

Google Analytics BCS 1 years ago (2023-08-19) 1852 Views 0 Comments

Meet Google Sheet

Google Sheets is a spreadsheet application included as part of the free, web-based Google Docs Editors suite offered by Google.

Google Analytics 4 data can be exported through Add-ons on Google Sheet,ehe Add-ons that can be used are:

Next I will demonstrate how to export GA4 data using GA4 Reports Builder for Google Analytics™.

Install Add-ons:GA4 Reports Builder for Google Analytics™

Open Google Sheet, click「Extensions」——「Add-ons」——「Get Add-ons」, and search for “GA4 Reports Builder for Google Analytics™”:

Export Google Analytics 4 Data with Google Sheet

Then click Install, and login authorization will be required during the installation process.


Create a Google Sheet Report

Open Google Sheet, click「Extensions」——「GA4 Reports Builder for Google Analytics™」——「Create new reports」, and the following setting interface will be opened. Here is mainly the basic information of creating reports, because the follow-up You can also modify it in the configuration:

Export Google Analytics 4 Data with Google Sheet


  • Property Name: Generate the name of the sheet
  • Account: GA4 Account
  • Property: GA4 Property
  • Start date: start time, after selecting the time, you will be asked to choose dimensions and indicators
  • End date: end time

Suppose I want to export the Users and Sessions of the last few days first, and make the following settings:

Export Google Analytics 4 Data with Google Sheet

Click 「Create Report」 to generate the following:

Export Google Analytics 4 Data with Google Sheet

Note: Metrics Filters and Dimension Filters are not yet supported.

Run Report

If you want to run the report, click「Extensions」——「GA4 Reports Builder for Google Analytics™」——「Run reports」 , Google Sheet will automatically run the report, and the data will be stored in each Sheet:

Export Google Analytics 4 Data with Google Sheet


You can see that using Google Sheet will also consume the token limit of the GA4 API. For more information about the GA4 API limit, please see:Looker Studio Reports an Error: GA4 Data API Quotas

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