How to Add a User to Google Analytics 4

Google Analytics BCS 5 months ago (10-29) 584 Views 0 Comments

Update time: October 29, 2024

This section will explain how to Add a User to Google Analytics 4,  before that, you need to understand the permission structure of GA4.

GA4’s Permission Structure

GA4‘s permissions can be viewed from two perspectives: Permission level and Effective permissions 

  • Permission level is divided into account level and property level. You authorize users at these two levels. The permission levels have an inheritance relationship. For example, if the account level has analyst permissions, then the property level inherits the analyst permissions by default.
  • Effective permissions  include direct roles and data restrictions, and the two settings are independent of each other
    • Direct role: set permission roles, different roles have different permissions
    • Data restrictions: restrictions on revenue and costs. If you check this, you will press e-commerce data in GA4

The relationship between permission levels and Effective permissions  is as follows:

Level Direct Role Data Restrictions
Account Level Administrator
No Cost Metrics
No Revenue Metrics
Property Level Administrator
No Cost Metrics
No Revenue Metrics


  • Administrator:Full control of Analytics. Can manage users (add/delete users, assign any role or data restriction). Can grant full permissions to any user, including themselves, for any account or property for which they have this role.
  • Editor:Full control of settings at the property level. Cannot manage users. Includes permissions of the Analyst role.
  • Marketer:Can create, edit, and delete audiences, events, and key events. Can edit attribution-model settings.
  • Analyst:Can share created explorations to other users of the property. Can request unsampled explorations (Google Analytics 360 only).
  • Viwer:Can see settings and data; can change which data appears in reports (e.g., add comparisons, add a secondary dimension); can see shared assets via the user interface or the APIs. Can create, edit, and delete created explorations.
  • None: The user has no role for this resource. The user may have a role for another resource.
  • No Cost Metrics:Cannot see metrics related to cost.
  • No Revenue Metrics:nnot see metrics related to revenue.


Authorization Demonstration: Add user

Suppose you want to grant editor permissions to [email protected], see how to set it up:

Account Level

In GA4, click「Admin」——「Account」——「Account access management」——「+」——「Add Users」, and then make the following settings:

If you want to restrict the data, check:

After adding, the new user will be in the user list, and a notification email will be automatically sent to the new user.


Property Level

In GA4, click「Admin」——「Property」——「Property access management」——「+」——「Add Users」, and then make the following settings:

If you want to restrict the data, check:

After adding, the new user will be in the user list, and a notification email will be automatically sent to the new user.



  • Not a Google account: The email address has not been registered as a Google account
  • Restricted account or not a company account: Google Marketing Platform restricts the domain name of the company with the email address, resulting in the inability to authorize non-company domain names. The adjustment location is in GMP Management – Organization Settings – User Policy.

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