RDC and PDC for Adobe Analytics

Adobe Analytics BCS 2 years ago (2022-11-11) 1819 Views 0 Comments

Update time: November 14, 2022

The data processing process of Adobe Analytics is to first send the data to the nearest Regional Data Collection (RDC), then forward it to the Data Processing Center (DPC) for processing, and finally present the data in Adobe Analytics.

  • Regional Data Collection (RDC): Data collection centers, Adobe has multiple data collection centers around the world, improves your site/app performance and ensures that data is collected as quickly as possible to optimize the end user experience.
  • Data Processing Center (DPC): where it is processed and made available to products in the Adobe Experience Cloud.


The data collection process used by Adobe includes the following:

  • 1. First, the Adobe Analytics customer must modify its Adobe collection code (s_code.js or AppMeasurement.js, AppMeasurement libraries, mobile SDK configuration, etc.) to use the RDC domain omtrdc.net.
  • 2. Then, using advanced Domain Name Service (DNS) technology, Adobe maps the RDC domain to the data collection center nearest the visitor.
  • 3. When a hit is sent, the Adobe image request automatically routes to the RDC center nearest the visitor.
  • 4. The RDC center uses a secure data pipe to quickly forward the data to the regional data processing center, where it is processed and made available to Adobe Analytics and other Adobe Marketing Cloud solutions as customers choose.
  • 5. The RDC domain also routes Data Insertion API requests through the nearest data collection center. Only HTTPS hits are encrypted between the browser and the data collection center. All data sent from RDC locations to DPC locations is also encrypted via HTTPS.


RDC:Regional Data Collection

You can specify RDC. According to the different domain names of RDC, it can be divided into Third-party data collection and First-party data collection:

  • Third-party data collection:Analytics image request is sent to third-party domains such as adobedc.2o7.net or omtrdc.net endpoints, then you have third-party data collection
  • First-party data collection:Analytics image request is sent to your own domain name, such as through CNAME deployment.

Third-party data collection

RDC Type Data Collection Centers
Default Oregon, Virginia, Ireland, Paris, Mumbai, Singapore, Tokyo, Sydney, China*


First-party data collection

RDC Type Data Collection Centers
Global (Default) Oregon, Virginia, Ireland, Paris, Mumbai, Singapore, Tokyo, Sydney
Global + China* China*, Oregon, Virginia, Ireland, Paris, Mumbai, Singapore, Tokyo, Sydney
Americas Only Oregon, Virginia
Europe Only Ireland, Paris
Asia Pacific Only Mumbai, Singapore, Tokyo, Sydney
China Only* Beijing

The China RDC Add-On Package is a chargeable add-on to Adobe Analytics.

 DPC:Data Processing Center

Unlike RDC, DPC cannot be specified, a hit collected by a data collection center in Singapore might be sent to Oregon for processing, even though there is a data processing center at that site.

Adobe’s current DPC are:

  • South America: Oregon, San Jose, Dalls
  • Europe: London
  • Asia: Singapore


NOTE:If there is any change, please refer to the official information.

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