Deploy Google Analytics [4 Easy Ways] | BCS Deploy Google Analytics [4 Easy Ways] | BCSBCS

Deploy Google Analytics [4 Easy Ways]

Google Analytics BCS 5 years ago (2019-12-18) 2008 Views 0 Comments

There are many ways to deploy Google Tag Manager. I will introduce several common methods here.

Direct deployment

Direct deployment is the deployment of Google Analytics tracking code directly on all pages of the website. Copy and paste this code as the first item into the <HEAD> of every webpage you want to track.

We find the Tracking Code, the Tracking code is under the tracking info, and the Tracking info is under the Property level, Click on Admin-Tracking Info-Tracking Code:

Deploy Google Analytics [4 Easy Ways]

Here is the Global Site Tag. By default, the Global Site Tag is used.

Copy the code inside, and then deploy it to all pages of the website. Generally, a website will have a template page, and it can be deployed to the template page. If you do not have server development rights, this step requires your development colleagues to implement .

Deploy Google Analytics [4 Easy Ways]

Here is the head, just put it under the head.

Deployment via Tracking ID

Deployment via Tracking ID is just need the Tracking ID. Some CMS or third-party platforms have integrated the tracking code of Google Analytics. You only need to fill in the Tracking ID to achieve tracking.

Copy Tracking ID directly:

Deploy Google Analytics [4 Easy Ways]

Then copy it to the corresponding location, the location of different CMS is different:

Deploy Google Analytics [4 Easy Ways]


Deployment via HTML in  GTM

There is a custom HTML in GTM. We can deploy Google Analytics through this to get the Google Analytics tracking code,Click on Admin-Tracking Info-Tracking Code:

Deploy Google Analytics [4 Easy Ways]

Then click on Tags-New-Custom HTML in GTM:

Deploy Google Analytics [4 Easy Ways]

Name it Then click on Tags-New-Custom HTML in GTM, copy the tracking code, and select All Pages as the trigger.


Deployment via built-in templates

This is deployed through the built-in template, which is my most recommended method. For details, see  Deploy Google Analytics with Google Tag Manager

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